Hyojin Oberg

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Kira + Travis - Barnyard Lifestyle

Kira, Travis and their baby girl Sydney moved to our neighborhood this summer and it's been so fun getting to know them. It seems that we have so much, like a ridiculous amount, in common. Travis grew up in the northland just like Jade. We're the same age. We love our Minnesota Vikings, hard. (Skol!) Jade and Travis share their passion for golf, especially early morning golf. We also happen to love our food the same - pork belly, fatty steaks, sushi, thai, just to name a few. Needless to say we have some double date night ideas in the books!

This sweet session was planned for little Miss Sydney as she turned ONE in September! To celebrate, Sydney got to have endless amount of yogurt drops and we took a ride around the neighborhood in their Gator. (Y'all we live in the country!) We are so lucky that we have a barnyard, grassy field, woodsy trail, and soybean field as our backdrop/front yard. I hope this sweet family put a smile on your face and made you want to go outside in this beautiful fall weather we've got in Minnesota!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 20 comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image.