Meet Little Mr. Paxton!

Kelli and I go way back. Like way back to my first big girl job out of college! It was so amazing to connect with her after all these years! Doesn't she have the most handsome baby boy? Paxton stole my heart with his smiles and he really was a sweet + gentle babe throughout the whole session.

Kelli and Tom, thank you for having me capture this special times in your lives!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

Meet Baby Easton!

Welcome to the world, Easton! Amber and Cory were the happiest new parents and Easton is such a darling little boy. All that and their cozy, bright and straight-outta-HGTV home made this newborn session so dreamy!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

Thiele Family - Meet Baby Henry!

Meet Janell and Adam's baby #3, Henry Theodore! He showed up two weeks early and surprised mom and dad with his blonde hair and dark blue eyes!

Big brother and sister are so excited and showering Henry with so much love already. Every time Svea planted a kiss on Henry, my little heart would skip a beat. I adore this family and am so excited for you to meet this family of 5!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!