Meet Baby Chalia!

I love summer newborn sessions!! From now on I am going to make every summer newborn family do a little walk outside during our session because it's too pretty not to! 

Chakiera and Will welcomed their baby #2 and I got the honor to capture this beautiful season of their lives. How gorgeous are their babies? Seriously I could just get lost in big bro Wyatt's eyes! And Chalia's haiirr?!! And those cheeks and lips?! I mean, c'mon!! 😍

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Meet Baby Adeline!

Katie and Joe are now proud parents of TWO babies! Adeline is the sweetest baby girl and a beauty just like her momma! Big brother Emerson was ever so proud to hold her and I can already tell these two are going to be best buds!

Katie and Joe, you guys are such amazing parents and I love your adorable family! Congrats, again!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Meet Baby Isaac!

Anne + Pete welcomed their baby boy #2, Isaac Marden! Isaac was such a good babe during this cozy in-home session. Of course big brother Leo and fur sister Elsie did great, tooo! There were lots of snuggles, snack breaks and definitely no shortage of kisses!

This family is near and dear to my heart because they were one of my first families I got to meet when I started this business of mine back in 2016! It's been fun to watch Leo grow from tiny babe that I met 2 years ago to a spunky toddler and now a big brother to Isaac! Congrats, Anne and Pete - your family is adorable! Thank you again for having me! 

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!