Noelle + Rob - Urban Trail Fall Lifestyle

Noelle + Rob - Urban Trail Fall Lifestyle

Don't they have the cutest kids? Fun fact:: they can be occasionally seen in local ads for Creative Kidstuff! Such models, these two! I love working with kids because they are not afraid to show their personality in front of the camera. After a few toot jokes and suckers, they let you in their world and it's amazing! Enjoy

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Baby Everett - In Home Newborn Session

Baby Everett - In Home Newborn Session

Nicole looked stunning with that new mama glow! Ben was already so comfortable holding Everett around the house. Lola obviously just wanted attention and more camera time. (#bigsisterproblems) I just can't get enough of watching these two shower Everett with so much love. Bringing the new babe home, starting a new chapter, so much joy along with new challenges, the rawness of it all is what I enjoy about these newborn sessions.

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