Greg + Sara - Golden Field Lifestyle

I had so much fun hanging out with my dear neighbors during this joy-filed lifestyle session. Sara, Greg and their 3 beautiful children live in the same neighborhood as us (5 houses down to be exact!) and we are blessed to have this gorgeous golden soybean field right in front of our houses. Being always on the go with 3 children’s sports practices (dance, baseball, football, you name it, they play it!), they decided to stay around the neighborhood for our session and it was magic! We started in their backyard with a beautiful swing Greg built then went for a walk to check out the field.

We made lots of toot noises, shouted out each other’s favorite foods (randomly yelling tacos and quesadillas is always fun, yeah?), tickle-attacked Joey a bunch and waved at the neighbors walking by. Their family dog, Trigger, was also able to walk along and make cameo appearances in bunch of the photos. The kids were having so much fun that they told mom and dad that they should do this more often! Umm, yes please!! So much love to these 5 and Trigger for being real and real fun!

I absolutely adore the genuine smiles this family had on throughout the whole session and you can just feel the love between all of them. Hands down, the very best part about my new journey as a photographer is that I get to capture these precious, raw, real, authentic, everyday moments for my families to keep forever! 

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 20 comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image.