Ain't no hood like motherhood!
/This is my first personal blog post ever - so please be kind! I wanted to take this platform to share a bit about my motherhood journey and hope you can relate/enjoy/laugh at my grammatical + parental errors.
Photo by © Laura Ivanova Photography
Nursing was hands down the toughest part of my motherhood journey with Ari in the first few weeks. While it was super rewarding and provided an unforgettable bonding experience, I was not aware how challenging it would be! To get your little one to latch and stay latched, pump on schedule, maintain the milk supply, the list goes on. Oh and not to mention your nipples feel like they have gone through a paper shredder. The worst part is that I was absolutely clueless about it all!
So with Oskar, I was prepared mentally and physically as much as I could! I am happy to report that I survived the first 3 weeks of intense nursing (Oskar is an eater!!) and am pain free! Here are some of my favorite nursing items that helped me!
1. Pink Blush Nursing Robe - you feel like a glam diva getting ready for a big event walking around the house. Except you are topless with mesh undies on the bottom and the only big event is a cute baby on your boob.
2. Cake Cotton Candy Nursing Bra - This is the only nursing bra that doesn't irritate my skin! Also it sorta looks athleisure?! Kate Hudson, eat your heart out! #ontrend
3. Motherlove Nipple Cream - Why does it feel so weird to type out nipple so many times? Anyway this stuff is organic and safe for baby!
4. Lansinoh Lanolin - A must before shower! Lather plenty of this on before shower and thank me later. Just don't do it in front of your hubby as it may bring unwanted attention to your sexy postpartum bod...
5. Lansinoh Soothing Gel Pads - You will want to karate chop whatever comes between you and your boobs - the only exception being your newborn. Having these gel pads on will make you a more pleasant (less violent) human to be around.
*Not pictured, but essential - boppy, plenty of water + patience
What do you think? Did you have similar experience with nursing? If so, what helped in your nursing journey? I'd love it if you would share your thoughts with me or you can just leave a high five emoji, just for fun! 🖐🏼
Photo by © Laura Ivanova Photography
P.S. I believe that Fed is Best! If nursing didn't work out for you and your babe, that is okay and you are still an amazing momma!