John + Michele Since 1978

John and Michele have been in love since 1978. They were young but knew it then to be true love. They display what it means to commit to one another and live out their marriage vows said 36 years ago. No fluff or anything fancy, just the traditional marriage vows - to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. Yep, John and Michele do that and more.

Lucky for me, they happen to be my in-laws! Not only are they an awesome couple, but even greater grandparents! Our kids get showered with their unconditional love and uninterrupted + unlimited playtime. I am so thankful for these two and will always aspire to be like them as Jade and I grow old together.

Today is John's birthday. Since he doesn't use Facebook, will you be so kind and leave him a little birthday note here? We will make sure he sees it!