Baby Sam is ONE!

I got to hang out with this lovely crew in their beautiful neighborhood around Lake Harriet. For the second year in a row! Same babies, same spot, but a trip around the sun later. You can go here to see how tiny Elle and Sam were last year.

Elle is so full of energy, spunk and life. You can see it in her mischievous smile. I know she’ll be doing big things and going places - literally and figuratively! Sam was just a little nugget a year ago. Now he has a full set of curly blonde hair and sports the best toothy smile!

These images are reflection of why I love capturing family portraits, for the days are long but the years are too dang short!!

Nicci is One!

Meet Nicci, nature-loving mama's girl with the most adorable toothy smile, blonde hair and the bluest eyes! You may remember her parents from this cute maternity session by the lake in Excelsior last year!

Fun fact about Nicci - she started walking at 8 months. This little lady is always on the go! Laura and Drew, you've got your hands full with this miss independent! Thank you for driving all the way from Rochester to hang out with me! 

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Paxton is One!

This ridiculously cute baby boy turned one! Is it just me or does it feels like yesterday when he was barely six months old? Time sure flies - especially when you're watching the most adorable baby grow into a handsoe toddler! Kelli and Tom, you have such a beautiful family and it was an honor for me to capture this big milestone!

Happy (belated) First Birthday, Paxton! 

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!