Wiederin Family - Winter Lifestyle with Esther Dog

Wiederin Family - Winter Lifestyle with Esther Dog

Brittany and Cory rescued Esther when she was 8 and she has been everywhere with this beautiful family ever since! Of which includes 8+ family photo shoots!! I received a message from Cory to do a last minute and the very last family photo session with Esther as they had made the tough decision to say goodbye. I know Esther got to indulge in many treats during her last days - mac and cheese, crackers and her favorite, ice cream!! and was hugged, kissed and loved beyond measure.

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Thiele Family - Winter Tree Farm Lifestyle

Thiele Family - Winter Tree Farm Lifestyle

Janell is one of my favorite people ever and it is so fun to be in the same season (of growing and raising babies) with her! Elliot and Svea are so lucky to get love from this bunch! How can you not love 'em though? Look at their faces!! P.S. Elliot told me he loved me at the end of our session and my heart skipped a beat. (I LOVE MY JOB!)

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Noelle + Rob - Urban Trail Fall Lifestyle

Noelle + Rob - Urban Trail Fall Lifestyle

Don't they have the cutest kids? Fun fact:: they can be occasionally seen in local ads for Creative Kidstuff! Such models, these two! I love working with kids because they are not afraid to show their personality in front of the camera. After a few toot jokes and suckers, they let you in their world and it's amazing! Enjoy

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