Kira + Travis - Barnyard Lifestyle

Kira + Travis - Barnyard Lifestyle

This sweet session was planned for little Miss Sydney as she turned ONE in September! To celebrate, Sydney got to have endless amount of yogurt drops and we took a ride around the neighborhood in their Gator. (Y'all we live in the country!) We are so lucky that we have a barnyard, grassy field, woodsy trail, and soybean field as our backdrop/front yard. I hope this sweet family put a smile on your face and made you want to go outside in this beautiful fall weather we've got in Minnesota!

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Greg + Sara - Golden Field Lifestyle

Greg + Sara - Golden Field Lifestyle

I had so much fun hanging out with my dear neighbors during this joy-filed lifestyle session. Sara, Greg and their 3 beautiful children live in the same neighborhood as us (5 houses down to be exact!) and we are blessed to have this gorgeous golden soybean field right in front of our houses. Being always on the go with 3 children’s sports practices (dance, baseball, football, you name it, they play it!), they decided to stay around the neighborhood for our session and it was magic! We started in their backyard with a beautiful swing Greg built then went for a walk to check out the field.

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Fall 2016 Mini Sessions

Fall 2016 Mini Sessions

Hi everyone!

I am so excited that 1) this is my very first blog post and 2) I will be hosting fall mini sessions soon! Yay!

These mini sessions are perfect for updating family pictures, holiday cards, maternity, anniversary, kids' milestones, dog's birthday, heck, it would even work for getting some fabulous headshots for your LinkedIn profile! What I am trying to say is that whatever you are celebrating in life today, mini sessions are a great way to bottle it up and have it last forever. 


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