Thiele Family - Meet Baby Henry!

Meet Janell and Adam's baby #3, Henry Theodore! He showed up two weeks early and surprised mom and dad with his blonde hair and dark blue eyes!

Big brother and sister are so excited and showering Henry with so much love already. Every time Svea planted a kiss on Henry, my little heart would skip a beat. I adore this family and am so excited for you to meet this family of 5!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

Erickson Family - Girl Power!

A couple (rhetorical) questions:  1. How cute are Mike and Missy's three girls? 2. How drop dead gorgeous is this momma?

We go way back with this crew, pre-baby, pre-mortgage, pretty much pre-"name-any-responsibility". Mike and Missy know how to have fun in any situation and parenting is no exception - they are the most fun parents I know! I feel lucky to call these guys best friends and look forward to having our kids grow up together!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

Ekman Family - Summer Birthdays

This crew celebrated some big milestones in the last couple weeks! Big brother Evan turned 4 and little twins, Lydia and Landon, turned 1!! Happy belated Birthday, little darlings!

Also I always squeeze in a little mom + dad alone time during family sessions if I can. Aren't Heidi and Mike the cutest? (insert all the heart eyes emojis!!!)

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!