Wiederin Family - Lakeside Fun in Excelsior!

You may remember these adorable faces from this "before the rainbow bridge" session with their beloved Esther pup. *Caution* before you click on the link though, it will make you feel all the feels, want to go home and cuddle your dog.

Cory and Brittany added a (human) baby to the fam and moved to Iowa since then, but we met up in their old stomping ground, Excelsior! I feel so lucky to make such connections with these families that they will go out-of-state to work with me. So lucky! It was so nice to see you, Cory and Brittany! You have the sweetest boys!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!