Wiederin Family - Lakeside Fun in Excelsior!

You may remember these adorable faces from this "before the rainbow bridge" session with their beloved Esther pup. *Caution* before you click on the link though, it will make you feel all the feels, want to go home and cuddle your dog.

Cory and Brittany added a (human) baby to the fam and moved to Iowa since then, but we met up in their old stomping ground, Excelsior! I feel so lucky to make such connections with these families that they will go out-of-state to work with me. So lucky! It was so nice to see you, Cory and Brittany! You have the sweetest boys!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Powers Tribe!

I got to hang out with Jacob, Sawyer and Brooks one early summer morning at their neighborhood park in Edina. How handsome are these boys? They were so loving, playful and full of smiles!

I love every single image (a little biased here!) but being a boy mom myself, there is something so sweet about seeing a mom surrounded by her boys! Jenn and Ben, you guys have a beautiful family!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Boys of the Summer Lifestyle Session

Dana and Bryan have 3 boys - 2 human baby boys and 1 cute mini poodle fur baby. Yay for boys! We hung out one sunny morning to celebrate many milestones - Brayden turning 3, baby Brooks being 4 months and their 4 year wedding anniversary! My favorite part of the whole session is when we told Brayden there was a frog in his pocket. He searched for that frog for solid 10 minutes and we got some good laughs along the way.

Also I may have discovered a new talent - dog sitting while taking photos. Dana and Bryan can attest to my skills as I was holding Franklin while shooting mommy/daddy portrait. Aren't they the cutest family of 5? So thankful I got to reunite with this family.

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10 comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!