Meet Baby Maude!

How sweet is Maude and her ocean-colored blue eyes! Her mom and dad call her by Mimi and I think that's about the cutest thing. We had a blast having the Rose Garden all to ourselves and just loving on Mimi girl.

Betty and Steve, you have the most darling baby girl! Thank you for having me capture this precious milestone of Mimi being 6 months!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Henry is ONE!

Henry boy is ONE!! This little blondie with blue eyes will steal your heart with his toothy smile!

Believe it or not, this is Henry's 5th photo shoot with me. (twice in utero!) With that said, let's go for a trip down memory lane, shall we?  First Trimester  - Maternity - Newborn - 6 months  

It's so sweet to look back at their year and know how fast babies grow in a year! Also it's rewarding to see how much I have grown, too. I love having this space in my little corner of the interweb to showcase each family and tell their story. I put a lot of time and effort in hopes to make you feel all-that-mush stuff as you scroll and I hope you guys enjoy it the same.

Enough about me. These five humans are the cutest. The Thiele crew, I love you!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!

Wiederin Family - Lakeside Fun in Excelsior!

You may remember these adorable faces from this "before the rainbow bridge" session with their beloved Esther pup. *Caution* before you click on the link though, it will make you feel all the feels, want to go home and cuddle your dog.

Cory and Brittany added a (human) baby to the fam and moved to Iowa since then, but we met up in their old stomping ground, Excelsior! I feel so lucky to make such connections with these families that they will go out-of-state to work with me. So lucky! It was so nice to see you, Cory and Brittany! You have the sweetest boys!

Psst! leave this lovely family a note here and if they get 10+ comments here, they will get a special snail nail from me with a couple of my favorite images!