Ain't no hood like motherhood!

Ain't no hood like motherhood!

Nursing was hands down the toughest part of my motherhood journey with Ari in the first few weeks. While it was super rewarding and provided an unforgettable bonding experience, I was not aware how challenging it would be! To get your little one to latch and stay latched, pump on schedule, maintain the milk supply, the list goes on. Oh and not to mention your nipples feel like they have gone through a paper shredder. The worst part is that I was absolutely clueless about it all!

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Schmidt Family - Cozy Winter In Home Lifestyle

Schmidt Family - Cozy Winter In Home Lifestyle

We ran around their beautiful backyard in subzero temp, grabbed some hot coffee (coffee milk for the littles, the way grandma makes it), talked like Minions a bunch - "banana", and loved on Lucky cat as he popped in wherever we were. This Minnesota winter weather has its own perks. I get to spend time with families in their own element, being completely themselves. Warm up that cup of coffee and wrap yourself in extra layer of blanket to join me in viewing this cozy in-home session!

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Wiederin Family - Winter Lifestyle with Esther Dog

Wiederin Family - Winter Lifestyle with Esther Dog

Brittany and Cory rescued Esther when she was 8 and she has been everywhere with this beautiful family ever since! Of which includes 8+ family photo shoots!! I received a message from Cory to do a last minute and the very last family photo session with Esther as they had made the tough decision to say goodbye. I know Esther got to indulge in many treats during her last days - mac and cheese, crackers and her favorite, ice cream!! and was hugged, kissed and loved beyond measure.

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