Jack is ONE!

Jack turned one this summer and Amy and Dan are expecting a new baby!

If you know Amy and Dan, you already know that they have such good hearts. Amy is the kindest, warmest, most selfless person who inspires me to be a better person. I am honored to have captured this beautiful time of their lives. I am so excited to meet and love on the new babe!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

John + Michele Since 1978

John and Michele have been in love since 1978. They were young but knew it then to be true love. They display what it means to commit to one another and live out their marriage vows said 36 years ago. No fluff or anything fancy, just the traditional marriage vows - to have and to hold, from this day forward, for better, for worse, for richer, for poorer, in sickness and in health. Yep, John and Michele do that and more.

Lucky for me, they happen to be my in-laws! Not only are they an awesome couple, but even greater grandparents! Our kids get showered with their unconditional love and uninterrupted + unlimited playtime. I am so thankful for these two and will always aspire to be like them as Jade and I grow old together.

Today is John's birthday. Since he doesn't use Facebook, will you be so kind and leave him a little birthday note here? We will make sure he sees it!

Boys of the Summer Lifestyle Session

Dana and Bryan have 3 boys - 2 human baby boys and 1 cute mini poodle fur baby. Yay for boys! We hung out one sunny morning to celebrate many milestones - Brayden turning 3, baby Brooks being 4 months and their 4 year wedding anniversary! My favorite part of the whole session is when we told Brayden there was a frog in his pocket. He searched for that frog for solid 10 minutes and we got some good laughs along the way.

Also I may have discovered a new talent - dog sitting while taking photos. Dana and Bryan can attest to my skills as I was holding Franklin while shooting mommy/daddy portrait. Aren't they the cutest family of 5? So thankful I got to reunite with this family.

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10 comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!