Ekman Family - Summer Birthdays

This crew celebrated some big milestones in the last couple weeks! Big brother Evan turned 4 and little twins, Lydia and Landon, turned 1!! Happy belated Birthday, little darlings!

Also I always squeeze in a little mom + dad alone time during family sessions if I can. Aren't Heidi and Mike the cutest? (insert all the heart eyes emojis!!!)

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

Ella is ONE!

This sweet little lady turned one last week! Yay! For this big milestone session, we walked around a park, smelled flowers and we even read a book in the field. Of course that's what happens when the momma's a teacher! Amy and Kyle have this gentle, patient, loving way of approaching parenthood (and life!) and it sure is reflected on Ella.

Happy belated Birthday, sweet Ella! You are so loved!

Psst! Leave this family some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!

Davidson Family - Farmland Lifestyle

This adorable family lives on a 30+ acre farmland surrounded by cows, small lakes and wildflower fields. So it only made sense that our session took place right in their homestead! How beautiful is this place? Also how beautiful is their baby boy William? He recently turned 7 months old, has the best green eyes! and loves his mom, dad + his cat Lucy!

It is so fun to meet new families especially when they have the cutest kiddos! Thank you for spending time with me Jon and Cory. Your little mister is such a cutie!

Psst! Leave this couple some love here, if they get 10+ comments on this blog post, they will receive a complimentary 8×10″ print of their favorite image!